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The Social Justice and Diversity Initiative (SJDI) at Cambridge Zen Center has been created as a working group open to all community members to reflect on and act towards the goal of creating a welcoming space for every person who walks through our temple doors regardless of age, gender, race, ability, nationality, sexuality, socio-economic status, or criminal record.

Our Mission Statement further details our aspirations as a group, while our Communication Agreements serve as a guideline for how we wish to discuss sensitive topics with an open-mind and heart.

The Unpacking Whiteness Meditation group meets bi-weekly over Zoom on the First and Third Wednesday of the Month. Please check out the Weekly Update for confirmed meeting dates.

How to join: Click the link to enter the meeting ID on Zoom.

Join URL: SJDI / 822 6623 0259


unpacking whiteness meditation group

The Cambridge Zen Center would like to invite members of our community, if you are interested in examining racial power and privilege as an important first step towards social healing and community building, please join us on twice a month on Wednesdays for our study and reflection group….


mission statement & communication agreement


resources / BOOKs / VIDeos


black lives matter statement by kusz

The Kwan Um School of Zen, an international community of Zen Buddhists, condemns police violence targeted at African-Americans and the larger, systemic racism that engenders this violence. As Buddhists, we are called to wake up to the reality of our world and to be of service to all beings…..